am a nice,truthful and honest girl. I am good looking girl. I love nature so much, love to dance ,Sing and read books.Also ilove sports. I make friends with people that beleive ,Respect and fear god. i am here searching for an understanding man, a man that will take me for who i am and not for what i have, i am searching for love that seems so far Chica de Madrid
An4ureluv 39 años , vive en Madrid (España) .
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Comentarios recibidos por An4ureluv
am a nice,truthful and honest girl.
I am good looking girl.
I love nature so much, love to dance ,Sing and read books.Also ilove sports.
I make friends with people that beleive ,Respect and fear god.
i am here searching for an understanding man, a man that will take me for who i am and not for what i have, i am searching for love that seems so far
#Chica #39 #Madrid #España
- Quiere contactar para: Amistad
- Estatura: 100cm.
- Color del cabello: Cabello
- Color de los ojos: Negros
- Nivel de estudios: Diplomado
- Religión: Católico no practicante
- ¿Fuma?: No
- ¿Bebe?: No
- Situación de pareja: Sin pareja
- ¿Cómo vive?: En piso compartido
- ¿Tiene niños?: No
- ¿Quiere niños?: No lo sé, aún no lo he decidido
- Intereses: am a nice, truthful and honest girl, I am good looking girl, I love nature so much, love to dance, Sing and read books, Also ilove sports, I make friends with people that beleive, Respect and fear god, i am here searching for an understanding man,
- Salidas preferidas: am a nice,truthful and honest girl. I am good looking girl. I love nature so much, love to dance ,Sing and read books.Also ilove sports. I make friends with people that beleive ,Respect and fear god. i am here searching for an understanding man,
- Profesión: am a nice,truthful and honest girl. I am good looking girl. I love nature so much, love to dance ,Sing and read books.Also ilove sports. I make fri
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