
Looking for love Chico de Dakar

onelove123 52 años , vive en Dakar (Senegal) .

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I live in dakar senegal in West Africa country ,i am 36 years old 5.8Ft tall,dark in complexion,which would require my emotional heart capable to like and respect the man.i have to let you know as well,that am an honest person as i have said, and i have to be honest with that,i don't have any girlfriend at present now and am not in any serious a great giver because i so much believes in the Multiplied returns and that's why i doesn't, lack anything. I never speak negatively about people,i take less and listen more to people and does not jump into other people's affairs.
#Chico #52 #Dakar #Senegal

Opciones de contacto
  • Usuario desde 20-02-2009

  • Quiere contactar con chicos y chicas

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